Hip injury healed

At one time I worked for the food service department of a small college where I had recently been a student. One day during school break, I made a trip to town in my Lincoln Continental. I had a very strong feeling for this comfortable and powerful vehicle, having owned it for eight years. 

As I was returning to campus on a heavily trafficked four-lane highway, traveling at the speed limit of 65 miles per hour, a large sedan bolted through an intersection from a side street. Colliding with this car forced me to hit another car on the other side of the highway, demolishing those cars and my own. Remarkably, no injuries were experienced by anyone except me. 

A few witnesses came over for support. I was able to extricate myself from my car but found walking difficult because of great pain in one hip. When an ambulance arrived, I declined its services, preferring to return to campus and deal with this challenge through Christian Science. 

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Testimony of Healing
Relationships improve, pain disappears
May 27, 2024

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