I prayed at school and was healed

I was walking through the hallway at school when my stomach started to hurt. I thought about going to the nurse, but then the word God popped into my head. This made me think about praying. I started to pray by saying, “God, please help me.” 

Then another word popped into my thoughts: Thanks

I remembered reading Bible stories in Christian Science Sunday School where Jesus started his prayers by thanking God. I started my prayer again, and this time I thanked God for everything He has given me. 

I thanked God for being my Father-Mother. I thanked Him for all the good in my life: for my home, clothing, food, school, family, friends, teachers, neighbors, and life, and for the love and forgiveness God always gives me.

As soon as I sat down in class, my stomach stopped hurting. Then I had one more thing to say thank you to God for!

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