Can God be sick?

It was a busy morning at our house. My dad was about to leave for work. My mom, my brother and sister, and I were getting ready to go to my swim lesson. I was looking forward to it—I loved being in the water and trying to swim as fast as I could from one side of the pool to the other.

But something was wrong. I heard my mom telling my dad that my brother wasn’t feeling well. How could we go to my swim lesson if my brother didn’t want to get out of bed?

I wanted to help my family, so I did what I saw my mom and dad do a lot—I prayed for my brother to help him feel better. In my Christian Science Sunday School classes, I had learned that we all reflect God and that God is only good. He’s never sick or tired or hurt. I thought that since my brother is God’s reflection, he couldn’t be sick, either.

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