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Christian Science Sentinel—Audio Podcast
God—a very present help on campus
with Sara Lang, Roger Gordon, Robby Butler, Marjorie Kehe, William Whittenbury, and Amy Lang
On this program we talk with half a dozen people about their experiences of turning to God on campus in times of need.
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Christian Science Sentinel—TeenConnect
I didn’t buy that app
by Sullivan Grant
Anything that seems bad about us, or wrong with us, is really just a distorted view. That’s what this teenager learned, thanks to a little help from an app on his phone … and a spiritual insight.
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June 18, 2018 issue
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From the readers
Alex Anderson, Janet Bassemir Gentile
How God’s love melts hatred
Mark Swinney
Look from a higher vantage point
Gloria Preston
Redeeming the ‘millennial’ label
Robert Witney
Being our brothers’ keepers
Susanne van Eyl
Free of back stiffness and irregular heartbeat
Daniel Carr
Protected on an international business trip
Walter A. Bouwens
Difficult throat condition cured
Gerhard Layritz
'Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord ...'
Photograph by Peter Anderson
Is 2018 the year to defeat ‘fake news’?
The Monitor’s Editorial Board
Don’t take the (click)bait
Tessa Parmenter
What is unselfed love, and why does it matter?
Barbara Vining