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‘Dominion’ and my healing
Originally written in Spanish, this testimony first appeared in the December 2015 Portuguese, Spanish, French, and German editions of The Herald of Christian Science.
One day, many decades ago, I was on my way to go have lunch with some friends, when I felt a very strong pain in my chest. I didn’t pay attention to it, though, and went on with my plans. After lunch, I had to go to work, and later I had to read at the Wednesday testimony meeting of a branch Church of Christ, Scientist.
When I got home for the evening, I decided to call a Christian Science practitioner. At that moment, I felt pretty indisposed; I was also experiencing pain in other parts of my body, and I was having trouble breathing. Although I actually wasn’t feeling afraid, I knew I needed to ask for help to heal the condition. The practitioner agreed to help me and encouraged me to trust completely in God, because He is my life.
My mother was with me and began to read passages from the Bible and the book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I especially liked to listen to “the scientific statement of being,” which says in part, “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all” (Science and Health, p. 468).
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December 28, 2015 issue
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Anna Willis, Terry Homan, Stephanie Johnson, Leebo
A biblical promise for refugees
Debra Corry Brandt
Insights at a seaside village
Kim Shippey
Celebrating the integrity of man
Jan Keeler
Watching our thoughts
Carol Rounds
‘No other way to live’
Marluce Patterson
Made new
James Dylan Held
Freedom from shin splints
Katie Swarts
A son’s depression lifts
Himanshu Dhand with contributions from Bhuvan Dhand
Freedom from acute abdominal pain
Andrea Brunais
‘Dominion’ and my healing
María Antonia Caporizzo
With love and peace and joy supreme
Photograph by Steve Ryf
Yield to the greatness of your divine nature
Barbara Vining