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Healing of damaged tendon
There are many, many accounts of healing in the Bible that have inspired me. Many of them have pointed me to our perfection as “heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17), and the resultant healings have filled me with gratitude.
Most recently, while out running one day, I appeared to damage an Achilles tendon. Immediately a passage from Mary Baker Eddy’s Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures came to thought: “There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all” (p. 468). To me this meant that with God in control there could be no strain, discomfort, distortion, or swelling in that leg.
I managed to run home, but when I got there, I stopped and clutched my injured leg as pain ran right through my body. Even as I continued to pray, I was honest enough to admit to myself that I wanted a quick healing so that I could get back to my running. But I soon realized that my “crazy thinking,” as I called it, had to be wiped out. That’s where I was going wrong. A switch from my preoccupation with athletic training to the expression of God’s freedom was essential to healing, along with a sincere effort to achieve more spiritual understanding—which made me think of another passage in Science and Health, “… there is no room for imperfection in perfection” (p. 424). Clearly, there was no room for any erroneous thought about me or in me, because I am a reflection of God’s perfection.
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December 2, 2013 issue
View Issue-
Antonia Zima, LittleChild, Graeme, Virginia Stopfel
Frustration foiled
Channing Walker
Learning to yield
Kathryn Jones Dunton
'A treasure map' to Truth
Jeffrey Jones
Richness of interfaith work
Shannon Wells
My grandsons' 'church work'
Victoria Draper
Higher mathematics
Laura Bantly
Rejoicing in the works of God
Kathleen Collins
Healing in the hair salon
Helena Rhonda Bullion
Spirituality and service in Costa Rica
Britta Hanson
Return to alertness and freedom
Virginia Pike
Growth on head healed
Donald R. Gregory
Healing of damaged tendon
Karen Tracy
Warts eradicated
Carole Hillman
The un-invisible man
The Editors