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Healing in the hair salon
I love all the different Christian Science periodicals: the Journal, Sentinel, Herald, the weekly Bible Lesson, and especially the Monitor. When I’m prayerfully reading these publications, I often feel God leading my thought so that any fearful concerns I face in my day are corrected and reversed. I also see how reading expands my love for God and my fellow man—it has happened so many times. It reminds me of something the Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians: “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (2:4, 5).
I remember one of the earliest times I experienced a healing from reading The Christian Science Monitor—it was just after I had become employed as a new hair stylist at a salon in my neighborhood. I was sitting at my station one day and feeling concerned about not having any clients. My pay was on commission, so it depended on the clients I served.
As I sat there feeling concerned for myself, I looked down into my lap where the copy of the Monitor I’d been reading was lying. Suddenly I thought, “Well, I have the whole world sitting in my lap right here—all this good, solution-oriented news.” I knew that this newspaper was blessing the world, and that it surely could bless me, too.
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December 2, 2013 issue
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Antonia Zima, LittleChild, Graeme, Virginia Stopfel
Frustration foiled
Channing Walker
Learning to yield
Kathryn Jones Dunton
'A treasure map' to Truth
Jeffrey Jones
Richness of interfaith work
Shannon Wells
My grandsons' 'church work'
Victoria Draper
Higher mathematics
Laura Bantly
Rejoicing in the works of God
Kathleen Collins
Healing in the hair salon
Helena Rhonda Bullion
Spirituality and service in Costa Rica
Britta Hanson
Return to alertness and freedom
Virginia Pike
Growth on head healed
Donald R. Gregory
Healing of damaged tendon
Karen Tracy
Warts eradicated
Carole Hillman
The un-invisible man
The Editors