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Heart trouble healed spiritually
For several years I intermittently experienced what felt like a fluttering in my heart. At some point, I realized this sensation was due to an irregular heartbeat. For quite a while I thought of this as merely an annoyance that I wished would go away, because otherwise I was feeling fine. When the sensation became nearly constant, however, I became afraid to the point that I stayed home from work a couple of times and curtailed other activities, even though I noticed no other symptoms.
I dealt with this situation through prayer, and gave myself Christian Science treatment, although not with a great deal of consistency. One night, as I lay awake, very aware of this irregular heartbeat, I couldn't help feeling my life was at the mercy of something that seemed to be going awry inside of me.
Through my study of the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, I'd learned about the spiritual nature of life. As I lay awake, I prayed for some idea that would help me; I really wanted to understand how and why this condition I was feeling was not a part of my life, since it obviously could not be part of God's creation. I wanted to see and understand what heart truly represents—from a spiritual point of view.
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July 7, 2003 issue
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A special kind of grace
Jewel Simmons
with contributions from Robert Shamleffer, Sara Santos, Marie Bisconer, Susan Omar, Laurel G. Bracey
items of interest
with contributions from Doug Mandelaro, Susan L. Taylor
God, grace, and you
By Walt Rodgers
The transforming power of God's GRACE
By Joan Wattam
Enlightened shades of grace
By Gloria Harrison
The enemy within
Pam Chance
NEWS break
By Sarah C. Nelson
Surviving in a tough job market
By Eric Nager
Loving the prodigal
By Kathryn Dunton
Poised to play well
By Susie Rynerson
The Way Home—from Seoul and back again
By Bettie Gray Staff Editor
Finding graciousness in airports
By Margarita Thatcher
Heart trouble healed spiritually
Gretchen Hennecke
Finally free of chronic headaches
Carole Poindexter
Numerous blessings
Irma M. Machado da Luz