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God is right where you are
Expect God's help.
It's natural to call on God for help. Many of us—even those who question His existence—have probably cried "God, please help me" in a time of great need. That kind of plea is an age-old prayer we can expect God to answer. King David in the Bible prayed that way, too, at times. Once, for example, he said, "In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry did enter into his ears (II Sam. 22:7).
I've called on God in time of need as well. At one point I was scheduled to give an address about God and prayer to a large group of people, but in rehearsing the talk I found there was one portion I could not get through without starting to cry. It concerned an experience I'd had with my husband, who had passed on six months earlier. I had made good progress in coming to terms with his passing, but whenever I read this one section of the talk, the tears would start. It didn't seem right to take it out, because the experience illustrated a deep spiritual point I felt needed to be in the talk.
Shortly before I was to deliver this address, I attended a Wednesday testimony meeting at my church. The theme of that meeting—calling on God—really spoke to me. I realized that while I had prayed about this problem, I had not called upon Him with complete faith that He would hear me. So when I got home from church, I did just that. I humbly called upon God, asking Him to help me get through the difficult portion of my talk. And it worked! Not only did the tears not come, but I didn't even feel emotional as I delivered that part of the address.
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April 24, 2000 issue
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To Our Readers
William E. Moody
with contributions from Rhoda M. Ford, Helen M. Dengate, Dee Mahuvawalla, Faye Danenburg
items of interest
with contributions from Peter T. Chattaway, Douglas S. Barasch
Redefining the family
By Nathan A. Talbot
God is right where you are
By Barbara-Jean Stinson
At the standpoint of opportunity
By Kim Shippey
Don't block the fountain
By Don G. Soule
No regrets
By Richard Requarth
Melissa Jane Hayden
Spiritual seeker finds answers and healing
Ginger Gray with contributions from Doyle Gray, Jr.
Child's prayers bring quick healing
John R. West
Devotion to God renewed; sudden illness conquered
Nancy L. Ellis
Prayer prevents serious injury
Maureen C. Pearson
That bountiful, universal, unifying Love
By Kaye Lyder Stoffel
A rose
Celine Rueff
Solving unsolved mysteries
Russ Gerber