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Devotion to God renewed; sudden illness conquered
Within just two months after moving to another state, my first job interview resulted in a new position as a middle-school principal. One day, feeling rather smugly satisfied with the power of position and the secure income, I went about my morning rounds perfectly content with the operation and my role in it. It never occurred to me that by the end of that day I would have resigned.
By noon, a question came to thought that began to shatter the career-woman identity and materialistic comfort zone that I had worked so many years to establish. The question came in just five simple words: Do you love Christian Science? Easy answer. "Why of course I do!" Several questions followed. How much do you really care? Would you be willing to work as many hours for the cause of Christian Science as you do for this school district? Would you be willing to work for "earth's preparatory school"? (Mary Baker Eddy writes in Science and Health, "Earth's preparatory school must be improved to the utmost" [p. 486].) Another easy answer. "Of course I would!" The final question: Well, then, what are you doing here? My reply: "I'll resign today."
This brief noontime question-and-answer period took place in the midst of a very successful time as principal, so I telephoned my husband for reassurance. If this was the voice of God I was hearing and responding to, it needed to be a blessing not only for me but for the school and the family. He promptly responded that he felt it was about time!
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April 24, 2000 issue
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To Our Readers
William E. Moody
with contributions from Rhoda M. Ford, Helen M. Dengate, Dee Mahuvawalla, Faye Danenburg
items of interest
with contributions from Peter T. Chattaway, Douglas S. Barasch
Redefining the family
By Nathan A. Talbot
God is right where you are
By Barbara-Jean Stinson
At the standpoint of opportunity
By Kim Shippey
Don't block the fountain
By Don G. Soule
No regrets
By Richard Requarth
Melissa Jane Hayden
Spiritual seeker finds answers and healing
Ginger Gray with contributions from Doyle Gray, Jr.
Child's prayers bring quick healing
John R. West
Devotion to God renewed; sudden illness conquered
Nancy L. Ellis
Prayer prevents serious injury
Maureen C. Pearson
That bountiful, universal, unifying Love
By Kaye Lyder Stoffel
A rose
Celine Rueff
Solving unsolved mysteries
Russ Gerber