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Prayer heals paralysis, pain, and impaired vision
Early this summer our family was planning a two-week stay at our cabin in the mountains of Colorado. We had been looking forward to this trip for some time. Although much anticipation and joy surrounded my preparation, much burden and human will also seemed to tag along for the ride.
Human will argued that I needed to take charge of things at work and at home or they wouldn't get done. I had also unconsciously accepted the belief that diet and exercise had some effect on whether I was feeling good or not, and I had been chiding myself because I felt I'd been negligent about them for quite some time. But then I recalled the significance and truth of Jesus' instruction when he said: "Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink. ... Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (see Matt. 6:25, 33). In all my hurry to go on vacation, I had neglected this Christian command.
We finally made it to the cabin, but on the first night I was struck with paralysis and pain on my right side that lasted several minutes and seemed to recur like clockwork every hour or so.
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March 6, 2000 issue
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To Our Readers
Russ Gerber
with contributions from Kathy Woodward, Flora S. Rivera, Mollie Osborn
items of interest
with contributions from Edward J. Larson, Larry Witham
The glass sunroof
By Elise L. Moore
Police sergeant finds her strength in God
By Jane T. Moran
Last year the Sentinel invited readers of all...
The Editors
Spiritual progress through the new millennium
By Robin Wright
Rising above manmade obstacles
By Kim Shippey
Marian Wright Edelman
Warts gone
Brenda May Dry
Dear Sentinel
Saleem Kashif
Electrocution overcome through prayer and gratitude
Steven Berrie
Prayer heals paralysis, pain, and impaired vision
Mary K. Jones
Flu healed
Ernest Ronald Speldewinde
Child's earache quickly cured
Kelsey E. Chalker
Prayer heals pain and numbness
Robert Snyder
Frail-proof yourself
By Robert A. Johnson
Carol L. Courtney
A life of prayer, and prayers of joy
William E. Moody