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Only a pot of oil?
The widow was distraught. A creditor was coming, and she had no money to pay him. He was threatening to take her sons to work off the debt. She asked for help from the prophet Elisha. According to this familiar Bible story, Elisha didn't ask for particulars. What he did ask was "What hast thou in the house?" (II Kings 4:2). The women replied that she had nothing but a pot of oil. It was obvious that she didn't think the oil was going to be of help in her predicament. But Elisha told her to pour the oil into empty pots and, after she had filled them, to sell the oil, pay off her debt, and live on what was left.
Centuries later, Christ Jesus was preaching to a large crowd in the countryside. As the day drew to a close, his disciples suggested that the people be sent away so they could get food. But Jesus said simply, "Give ye them to eat" (Luke 9:13). The disciples explained that they only had five loaves of bread and two fish. Undaunted, Jesus took the food and, "looking up to heaven" (Luke 9:16), blessed it and gave it to the disciples to pass out to the thousands of people before him. Everyone was fed, and there were baskets of food left over.
It is instructive that in each instance, even before the need was met, there was evidence of God's provision at hand. Whatever was available humanly, whether a pot of oil or bread and fish, represented something far greater than what the material senses perceived. The widow and the disciples, failing to recognize the spiritual significance of the evidence of supply, saw it as limited, material. But Elisha and, to a far greater extent, Christ Jesus, were more perceptive. Neither tossed aside what was available because it seemed to be inadequate. Each must have been able to see, through a higher, spiritual perception, that supply is really a spiritual idea expressing God's abundance, which the oil and the loaves and fishes merely symbolized. Thus Elisha was able to demonstrate ample provision for one family. And Jesus showed forth God's abundance for a multitude.
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January 22, 1996 issue
View Issue-
Christian competition and healing games
George Reed
No trickiness in God
Monty Hoyt
Dear Sentinel
with contributions from Asher Severini, Adam Kleski
Pop songs that uplift and heal
by Kim Shippey
Only a pot of oil?
Lynne Young
Fighting the right battle
Tony Lobl
Claim your day
Allison T. Demarkles
Our tolerance point
Lynn G. Jackson
Why go to church?
Barbara M. Vining
Wind-watching and seed-sowing
Mary Metzner Trammell
Two healings that I experienced during my college years strengthened...
Elizabeth Kinghorn Tausch
One evening I was riding my bike home
Lucie Chalmers Minsk