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Fighting the right battle
One of the most famous battles ever fought was David's battle with Goliath, when Israel's king-to-be was still a shepherd-boy. (See the first book of Samuel in the Bible.)
When David appeared on the scene, Goliath was taunting the warriors of the army of Israel and mocking the God they served. They were spellbound by this gigantic, apparently invincible adversary. David's approach to this battle was different from his countrymen's—he didn't start quaking or feel overwhelmed. Before engaging in combat with this foe he redefined the battle as being not really his, nor an army's, but God's. The Bible records his heartfelt assertion: "The battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hands" (17:47). He must have known that the lie of a personal, powerful evil—in this case symbolized by Goliath—could not stand before the all-power of God.
David won the battle with Goliath, gaining a much-needed victory for his people. This assured them their immediate freedom. But far more than this, it offered them unquestionable proof of the viability of trusting in God. David had leaned on his faith in and previous proofs of God's power, and had even refused an offer of the king's armor.
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January 22, 1996 issue
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Christian competition and healing games
George Reed
No trickiness in God
Monty Hoyt
Dear Sentinel
with contributions from Asher Severini, Adam Kleski
Pop songs that uplift and heal
by Kim Shippey
Only a pot of oil?
Lynne Young
Fighting the right battle
Tony Lobl
Claim your day
Allison T. Demarkles
Our tolerance point
Lynn G. Jackson
Why go to church?
Barbara M. Vining
Wind-watching and seed-sowing
Mary Metzner Trammell
Two healings that I experienced during my college years strengthened...
Elizabeth Kinghorn Tausch
One evening I was riding my bike home
Lucie Chalmers Minsk