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My life has turned around because of Christian Science
My life has turned around because of Christian Science.
I was raised in another religion, and remember how strange it was to find out when I got married that my husband's mother had raised five children without going to doctors. I was skeptical, and thought his mother must have been a little eccentric. But after meeting her, and feeling the love and peace she so freely expressed, I realized there had to be something to her religion, Christian Science.
I began my study of Christian Science one day when my mother-in-law left our home after a very happy, weeklong visit. I checked out a copy of Science and Health at our local library, but before opening it, I decided that if I found that Mrs. Eddy took any personal credit for healing, I would know I shouldn't read the book. (I believed that God was the only one who could truly heal through means other than medical ones, and that is what my former religion had taught.) But if she gave God the credit, then I would read her book through. Well, I did read it through that summer, and began attending a branch church along with my husband. We sent our children to Sunday School. The next year I joined The Mother Church, and the year after that took Christian Science class instruction.
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November 6, 1995 issue
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Vietnam Memorial: glimpsing indisputable life
Melissa R. Foulke
One Comforter
Christina Sloan
Newspapers that seek solutions
by Kim Shippey
Bad memories? Wake up to reality!
Marvin J. Charwat
Can sunlight be invaded by darkness?
Julio C. Rivas T.
The joy of unselfed love
Margaret Coleman Brown Poyser
"It's exciting up here!"
Kathryn H. Breslauer
Where is He?
Julie Bachmann
Staying true to who you really are
Barbara Beattie Wyly
Earthquakes, hurricanes, and prayer
Michael A. Seek
Healing—what a wonderful gift of God!
Joanne Marie Batista