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An absolutely sure guide
As one pursues the goal to practice Christian Science healing effectively and surely, the counsel of Paul to bring every thought into obedience to Christ becomes ever more important. Every Christian Science treatment encourages us to understand more fully the nature of God and of our identity as His reflection. It has us probing the life of Christ Jesus to understand better the Science of being. And as we do this, we feel the transforming effect of Christ, Truth, on our lives and are more able to bring a new, healed sense of being to others.
Whether the student is venturing on his first Christian Science treatment or the ten thousandth, he naturally feels a need for a clear apprehension of God and of God's control and uninterrupted care of His creation. We pray until we feel a spiritual conviction that man has never been separated from God and has never fallen from his God-created perfection and wholeness. The shadows of doubt or fear are dispelled. From this basis we are strengthened to see through the suggestion of sickness or sin, deny its claim to reality, and affirm the truth that we have gained of God and man. The tares of thought—false or inaccurate views of God and ourselves—are separated from the wheat. Then our lives and others' bear witness to the transforming power of Spirit.
Mary Baker Eddy recognized that the practitioner of Christian Science must base his or her work on the pure revelation of Christian Science. She devoted decades of her life to elucidating the divine Principle of healing. She readily acknowledged God as the author of this Science of being and yielded her life the discipline of Christ in order to give to the world the pure and unadulterated Science of Christian healing. Having accomplished this, she made the following provision in the Manual of The Mother Church in order to ensure the student's success in practice. "The Bible, together with Science and Health and other works by Mrs. Eddy, shall be his only textbooks for self-instruction in Christian Science, and for teaching and practising metaphysical healing" (Art. IV, Sect. 1).
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May 4, 1992 issue
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The Editors
How do we show children we love them?
with contributions from Kay D'Evelyn
Skip Johnson
Being faithful to what we're entrusted with
Cynthia Howland
God's governing truth heals
Leigh Russell Daugherty
"I've lost my job!"
William Barton Verrall
How gratitude can help
Cyril Barber
The power of unity
William E. Moody
An absolutely sure guide
The Editors
One night when I was thirteen years old, I woke up and...
James Spencer Sarpong with contributions from Berchie Thomas Kwame Sarpong
One day at the beginning of junior high, as I was just getting...
Aspen Hatch with contributions from Mary Elizabeth Hatch
It is out of gratitude for God's loving care that I submit this...
Robert L. Bozeman
While in college I suffered with warts and corns on my feet
Celeste O. Jenkins