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What happened to me as [my translation of the...
The Ring of Truth
What happened to me as [my translation of the Gospels] progressed was that the figure of Jesus emerged more and more clearly, and in a way unexpectedly. Of course I had a deep respect, indeed a great reverence, for the conventional Jesus Christ whom the Church worshipped. But I was not at all prepared for the unconventional man revealed in those terse Gospels. No one could possibly have invented such a person: this was no puppet-hero built out of the imagination of adoring admirers. "This man Jesus," so briefly described, rang true, sometimes alarmingly true. I began to see now why the religious establishment of those days wanted to get rid of him at all costs. He was sudden death to pride, pomposity, and pretence.
J. B. Phillips
Reprinted from The Ring of Truth: A Translator's Testimony © 1967 by J. B. Phillips. Used by permission of Harold Shaw Publishers, Box 567, Wheaton, IL, U.S.A. 60189. Published in England by Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd.
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March 20, 1989 issue
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Don't give up—the solution is on your doorstep
Susanna Siegrid Ghosh
Anne H. Soukhanov
My first real Easter
Carolyn Hill
The inspirational atonement: victories today!
Sandra Peterson
What happened to me as [my translation of the...
J. B. Phillips
When words sting, Love redeems
Udai Hoffberg
Being more receptive to Christ
Maynard Sundt
Primary class instruction: education for freedom
Michael D. Rissler
Decide with Christ, Truth
Ann Kenrick
Jennifer's choice
Elaine F. Zavodni-Sjoquist
One day when I was twelve, I was suddenly stricken with a terrible...
Walter Henry Glassett
We read in II Corinthians (9:15), "Thanks be unto God for his...
Helena Ginger Gilley with contributions from C. Blaine Gilley
I have seen and experienced many healings through Christian Science
Donald Edward Ford
When I was a sophomore in college, I developed a very severe...
Cynthia N. Beavers
About a year ago I hurt my back while moving things around...
Phillip D. Nilsson
At a time when my father seemed beyond help, a friend invited...
Mary G. Hansen with contributions from Lawrence Maynard Hansen