One afternoon I was having a bowl of soup in a German Gasthaus when I couldn't help noticing a British driver smiling and talking jovially as he paid his bill.
Among the pigeonholed me-first multitudeall glued to eventual material breakthroughone, humanly helpless, looked up,responsive to the ever-rousing presenceand exalting now-powerof the healing Christ!
The action of a Detroit judge in dismissing all charges of neglect and misrepresentation against The Mother Church and two Christian Science practitioners—charges brought by a former Michigan couple—stands as a vital recognition, by the law, of the religious nature of Christian Science practice and of the constitutional freedoms that protect it.
Man's perfection as the child of God! This luminous concept as understood in Christian Science can fill our lives with a depth of joy we've never known before.
I am continually grateful that my parents took up the study of Christian Science when I was a child, because at one point I was injured in a streetcar accident.
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