The Body's Best Friend

Did you know that God is the best friend your body can have? It's true, and it's important for you to understand why, if you wish to restore or retain good health. Mrs. Eddy declares, "Mortal mind is the worst foe of the body, while divine Mind is its best friend." Science and Health, p. 176;

Christian Science teaches that divine Mind is God. Divine Mind is omnipotent and ever present, forever governing harmoniously man and the universe, which it has created spiritually, not materially. Each one of us, though appearing to the physical senses to have a physical body, is actually a spiritual idea and as such has a perfect identity in God. That identity includes health, purity, integrity, fearlessness, goodness, and so on; it is an individual embodiment of God's pure elements. There is nothing material about Mind or Mind's creation—perfect, indestructible man and universe. Furthermore, divine Mind upholds, preserves, empowers, and loves its own ideas. This truth of perfect creator and perfect creation is the basis of prayer in Christian Science.

But how can divine Truth, or Mind, befriend the material body? Does God know physicality? No, but you and I appear to know it, although in our true consciousness we do not. Our human mentality seems to be a mixture of the true ideas of Mind and the false impressions of what Christian Science terms mortal mind.

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July 11, 1977

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