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While I was on patrol in the Republic of South Vietnam, God's...
While I was on patrol in the Republic of South Vietnam, God's presence was shown me quite often and in many different ways. I was a company commander in an airborne division and enjoyed the status of having the company with the lowest sick-call rate in the battalion, as well as the best maintenance record because our equipment lasted longer with fewer breakdowns than in the other companies. I studied the Bible, and Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, reading the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly regularly while on patrol, and had several opportunities to demonstrate the allness of God to those around me.
One evening before dark as I was lighting a match to ignite a heating element, a piece of the burning sulfur flew off the match into my eye. The flame scarred my eye and the contact lens I was wearing at the time. My company medic, seeing me jerk from the pain, rushed over to me and upon inspection informed me that it was a serious injury and I must be evacuated. I resisted his proposal to evacuate me and declared I would be all right. My confidence was based on my understanding of God and His constant care and ever-available healing law. With my firm declaration to the company medic that I would be all right, the pain eased, and by dark the pain had disappeared.
Darkness comes quickly in the jungle, and it did not permit me any time to read my Bible or textbook, Science and Health, after taking care of my command duties. But before I went to sleep, I reviewed my childhood lessons in Christian Science and declared silently that I was the image and likeness of God, that injury was not part of His kingdom and therefore my perfection was evident. Matter did not govern me; I governed my body, as indicated in this passage in the textbook (p. 228): "If we follow the command of our Master, 'Take no thought for your life,' we shall never dependon bodily conditions, structure, or economy, but we shall be masters of the body, dictate its terms, and form and control it with Truth."
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May 4, 1974 issue
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Express God's Perfect Health
Eliminating Worry
Toil, Labor, or Work?
"Lord, I want out!"
A Working Mother
"I'm in love"
Wake from That Dream!
Dorothea T. Leamy
Today Is Beautiful
Carl J. Welz
Love: The Most Excellent Way
Naomi Price
While I was on patrol in the Republic of South Vietnam, God's...
Robert D. Little
Since I have had many healings through Christian Science and...
Jettie Beatrice Millholland with contributions from George W. Spaulding
Mary Baker Eddy certainly gave all mankind a great gift of Love...
Elizabeth F. Clark with contributions from Amy Graf Lawson