Christian Science has been my family's religion for three generations

Christian Science has been my family's religion for three generations. My grandmother took her stand for its healing power at the time of my mother's birth, which the doctors had pronounced a hopeless case of placenta previa. This testimony appeared in the March, 1905, issue of The Christian Science Journal.

I shall always be grateful for the quiet, firm, patient hand of my mother, who helped establish my thought in this Christianly scientific way of life, and for the realization that each challenging experience is an invitation to draw closer to God.

About two years ago I became aware of impaired hearing in one ear. At first I was tempted to think this problem was one I would simply have to live with. However, the conviction very quickly came that this was a great opportunity for me as a Christian Scientist to prove what I professed to be, an effective follower of the healing Christ, Truth.

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February 2, 1974

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