[The above is an abbreviated, postproduction text of the program released for broadcast the week of January 26-February I in the radio series, "The Bible Speaks to You." Heard internationally over more than 1,000 stations, the weekly programs are prepared and produced by the Christian Science Committee on publication, 107 Falmouth Street, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115.]

RADIO PROGRAM NO. 304 - An Answer for the Problem Drinker

Questioner: Alcoholism seems to be increasing in many areas of the world today. There is much humane help available to the problem drinker—counseling, Alcoholics Anonymous, employee rehabilitation programs. But it seems easier to control alcoholism than it is to effect a cure for it.
Speaker: That's why it's so important for all concerned to get to know more about the spiritual resources that provide a lasting answer. These resources are the resources of infinite Spirit, God, who, as the Bible indicates, satisfies every need of man.

In Psalms we read (145:16), "Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing."

What do you feel are the needs that people turn to drink to satisfy?
Questioner: I think that among others, one might be the inability to cope with an unpleasant social situation; another, a need to overcome feelings of inadequacy or frustration.
Speaker: All these things you've mentioned would indicate a void in an individual's life—a void that he's attempting to fill by drinking. It really boils down to the individual's misconception of himself. He thinks he is a mortal with a lot of human problems and an inability to meet those problems. But the void can be filled as the individual learns more of his God-given identity and purpose.

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Words of Current Interest
February 3, 1968

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