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Man Is Not a Statistic
The business world largely subscribes to the policy of compulsory retirement on the basis of age. This policy theorizes that beyond a certain point the individual, having passed his best productive years, should be released to rest to pursue less demanding activity and at the same time to provide an opening for one of fresher outlook and greater physical stamina. This theory, based on statistics, deals with numerical averages similar to those employed in determing life expectancy, or the average number of years generally allotted to humans. In short, this system of retirement anticipates limited ability and life expectancy.
To the student of Christian Science this concept offers an opportunity to prove the words of Mrs. Eddy: "Time-tables of birth and death are so many conspiracies against manhood and womanhood. Except for the error of measuring and limiting all that is good and beautiful, man would enjoy more than threescore years and ten and still maintain his vigor, freshness, and promise." Science and Health, p. 246; Having stated the problem, she then turns our thought in characteristic fashion to the solution. the truth which uplifts and heals, in these words: "Man, governed by immortal Mind, is always beautiful and grand. Each succeeding year unfolds wisdom, beauty, and holiness."
Christian Science reveals the true nature of God as Life, infinite and eternal, and of man as His image and likeness, reflecting and partaking of Life's infinitude and eternality. This great truth, applied to any untoward circumstance or condition in the human economy, brings healing; for example, it replaces the illusion of age and decrepitude with the fact of man's perfection as God's beloved child.
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April 15, 1967 issue
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The Moral Demand
Man Is Not a Statistic
Knowing, Being, and Doing
Ghosts in the Attic
Jesus' Works: Truly Scientific
Minding Our Business
Althea Brooks Hollenbeck
"My real sight"
No Time Process Involved
William Milford Correll
Unselfed Love Essential to Healing
My wife and I were traveling by air recently when the pilot announced...
Frank A. Biederman with contributions from Helen Ellett Biederman, Betty B. Dunton
I was still a schoolgirl when I became a student of Christian Science,...
Marguerite E. Blackstone
Christian Science has brought many blessings into my life
Inez B. Braley
As I look back over the years since I began the study of Christian Science...
Loleita B. Pickering
Signs of the Times
William E. Phifer