Most of us have heard at some period in life a call such as came to Abraham in God's words: "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee.
What a sparkling quality is joy! How delightful it is! It is a wellspring flowing from an inexhaustible source, clear, refreshing, bubbling, exuberant.
To lean upon the sustaining infiniteWill bless usOnly as we lean full weight, wholeheartedly;If leaning means inclining only—With drag of matter holding back,With but irresolute finger-touch on Spirit—Then Love's sustaining is denied.
Early in our study of Christian Science we proved the efficacy of this religion by many signs, among them the quick healing of children's ailments and complete immunity from some of these seemingly contagious diseases, as well as the entire family's freedom from the use of material remedies.
Elizabeth Chase Herberich
with contributions from Frederick David Herberich
Two days before he was to start the first grade, one of our boys fell from a jungle gym and landed on the back of his head on the concrete basement floor.
When a Christian Scientist becomes a member of The Mother Church, he signifies his willingness to obey the Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy.
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