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Their understanding of God,...
Their understanding of God, gained through the consistent study of Christian Science, was the only resort of my parents in time of need. I am grateful for the protection afforded me throughout my childhood and particularly during my high school and college years when the temptations to smoke and drink socially were strong. I had joined The Mother Church at the age of twelve and knew I need not forsake my membership for popularity and could not abandon Principle for the sake of false appetites. Certainly Mother Church membership was a great strength to me.
Now, as the mother of two active boys, I am grateful for the comfort of knowing that God cares for His children always. One morning a few years ago our younger boy (then two years of age) began crying. I went to him and found he had pushed two small pebbles into one nostril. One fell out immediately, but the other was lodged very far up and was causing him pain.
As I picked up the child I began declaring "the scientific statement of being" (Science and Health, p. 468). In this statement Mrs. Eddy, the author of the book, tells us, "Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness." The real man, being spiritual, cannot be touched by materiality.
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January 6, 1962 issue
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Man's Sinless Perfection
Appealing to One's Spiritual Sense
The Value of "the next lessons"
Winifred Fields Walters
"I never knew you"
Wings of Joy
Rosemary Cobham
The Christian Science Standard of Healing
The Christian Science Board of Directors
"A definite rule discovered"
Helen Wood Bauman
The Office of Church Member
Ralph E. Wagers
RADIO PROGRAM No. 433 - Questions and Answers on Christian Science
Harvey Wood with contributions from Enid Bennett Niblo, William Bardwell, David Sleeper
Over thirty years ago when my...
Lilian Garrett with contributions from Douglas Richard Garrett
I have had many proofs of God's...
Carol Heckel
I wish to express my sincere...
David Chase Land
The spiritual understanding of...
Margaret E. Meier
In the Bible we read, "Bring ye...
LeOla Dotts Stone
Their understanding of God,...
Helen Tucker Parnell
In writing this testimony, I sincerely...
Frances Ruth Steele
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Chih Meng, Harold Blake Walker