Christ Jesus
in one of his parables recited the case of "a man which sowed good seed in his field," but when it came time to harvest his crop his reapers found many weeds among the grain.
the account of shipwreck, the deliverance of Paul and the other prisoners from the stormy sea, and their safe landing on the island of Melita, an incident is related in the twenty-eighth chapter of Acts which is worthy of consideration.
the parents of Jesus on their homeward journey from Jerusalem, as recorded in the second chapter of the Gospel according to Luke, missed the lad from among the crowd of their fellow travelers, they at once turned back to the holy city to seek him.
The Sunday following the appearance of this issue of the Sentinel is known among Christian Scientists as Communion Sunday, for on that day, as well as on the second Sunday in January each year, is read the Lesson-Sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly entitled "Sacrament.
A word
not frequently heard in daily conversation, but one that greatly helps us to appreciate a vitally important quality of God and His man is "immutable.
The response to the opportunity offered librarians in the Sentinel of May 29, 1943, to share their rich experiences in Reading Room service, has been favorable.
Testimonies of healings brought about at authorized lectures on Christian Science will be published in The Christian Science Journal or the Christian Science Sentinel, when verified as are other testimonies appearing in the periodicals.
I should like to tell, for the benefit of those who may be seeking healing and encouragement through our periodicals, of the numerous ways Christian Science has helped me.
Having received so much help from the reading of testimonies published in the Christian Science periodicals, I am very grateful for the privilege of adding mine.
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