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The New Year
The old year has passed, with its record of stirring events, its reports of startling and significant happenings, its tidings of war and commotion amongst nations. The New Year has dawned, with unfathomed possibilities for the welfare and spiritual enlightenment of humanity. The threshold of the dawning year is surely a milestone where Christian Scientists may pause to measure their progress Spiritward, heavenward, grateful for victories over evil, as they look backward to behold the ever-receding shores of materiality and false belief. They also look forward to the attainment of increased understanding and demonstration in Christian Science. Their thoughts are outspanned to glimpse limitless spiritual regions of ever-present yet ever-unfolding good for all God's children. On page 330 of "Miscellaneous Writings," Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, has written: "It is good to talk with our past hours, and learn what report they bear, and how they might have reported more spiritual growth. With each returning year, higher joys, holier aims, a purer peace and diviner energy, should freshen the fragrance of being."
Christian Scientists through their healing ministry are indeed exemplifying this teaching, but at the present time there is need for further consecrated effort in this direction. A strife-torn world is calling for the help which Christian Scientists can give through their understanding of the truth which destroys evil, revealing its nothingness and the ever-presence of God, good.
The earthly career of the great Exemplar was spiritually progressive, culminating in his crowning victory over death, and in his ascension beyond material sight. His followers also must be spiritually progressive, not alone through faith, but as the result of spiritually scientific understanding gained in Christian Science.
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January 3, 1942 issue
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A Dedicatory Poem
By Mary Baker Eddy
The New Year
On Which Side?
The Voice Within
Truth Made Practical
Man's Inalienable Rights
"According to the rules"
To Our Readers
Board of Trustees The Christian Science Publishing Society
George Shaw Cook
"Immortality's goal"
Evelyn F. Heywood
The Lectures
with contributions from Florence Moore, Clara Hays, Franklin Edward Tyrrell, Asa Roy Thompson
In the criticism of Christian Science...
Robert E. Key
In your recent issue it is pointed...
Sherwood Kretsinger
In an article in a recent issue of...
Ernst G. Breitholtz
For many years I have desired...
Violet Odell
As Truth unfolds to my consciousness,...
Callie Elliott Stump
"The prayer that reforms the...
Addison Culver
The first healing through Christian Science...
Sarah F. Baldwin with contributions from Dorothea Dee Wellman
Having had numerous healings...
Arletta Simonton Moore
I took up the study of Christian Science...
Mary F. Bedford
Christian Science came into our...
Cora Fern Sandahl
I wish to express my gratitude...
Alice N. Converse with contributions from Robert Converse
"Depart from evil, and do good"
Signs of the Times
with contributions from James Reid, Tom Franks, W. J. Wiley, Alfred McRobert, W. H. Hedges