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Christian Science came into our...
Christian Science came into our home when I was a small child, and I had the privilege of attending Sunday school. Many definitions from the Glossary of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, memorized at that time, have never been forgotten, and they have often helped me.
During my high school days, I was healed of what was called quick consumption. One night I seemed unable to breathe, and my family did not think I could last through the night. But a telegram had been sent to a practitioner in Omaha, and when morning came I was very much improved. In less than a month I had gained weight and improved in appearance, in fact, was almost normal. There has never been any return of this condition. For many years I have enjoyed good health, and have relied radically on Truth. I have been healed of ptomaine poisoning; a badly sprained ankle; sick headaches; a nervous breakdown, seemingly caused by my holding an erroneous opinion of someone; and a deep sorrow, due to the loss of home and things held most dear. Through these experiences I have gained a higher sense of what constitutes happiness and my relationship to God. Some of these healings have been the result of my own work, and some have come through the help of others.
More recently, I have been freed from discouragement, apathy, and fear, resulting in a great sense of exhaustion and disinclination to make any exertion, which was wholly foreign to my natural joyous sense of activity. This condition presented itself a number of times, and a great deal of help from a practitioner was needed to help me rise above the mesmeric belief in a selfhood apart from God. Counting my daily blessings, expressing gratitude to God, and realizing, as Hymn No. 64 from the Christian Science Hymnal says, that "the loveliness of Love is all around," have brought me freedom.
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January 3, 1942 issue
View Issue-
A Dedicatory Poem
By Mary Baker Eddy
The New Year
On Which Side?
The Voice Within
Truth Made Practical
Man's Inalienable Rights
"According to the rules"
To Our Readers
Board of Trustees The Christian Science Publishing Society
George Shaw Cook
"Immortality's goal"
Evelyn F. Heywood
The Lectures
with contributions from Florence Moore, Clara Hays, Franklin Edward Tyrrell, Asa Roy Thompson
In the criticism of Christian Science...
Robert E. Key
In your recent issue it is pointed...
Sherwood Kretsinger
In an article in a recent issue of...
Ernst G. Breitholtz
For many years I have desired...
Violet Odell
As Truth unfolds to my consciousness,...
Callie Elliott Stump
"The prayer that reforms the...
Addison Culver
The first healing through Christian Science...
Sarah F. Baldwin with contributions from Dorothea Dee Wellman
Having had numerous healings...
Arletta Simonton Moore
I took up the study of Christian Science...
Mary F. Bedford
Christian Science came into our...
Cora Fern Sandahl
I wish to express my gratitude...
Alice N. Converse with contributions from Robert Converse
"Depart from evil, and do good"
Signs of the Times
with contributions from James Reid, Tom Franks, W. J. Wiley, Alfred McRobert, W. H. Hedges