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For many years I have desired...
For many years I have desired to express my gratitude to God for showing us, through Mary Baker Eddy's spiritual revelation, the way in Christian Science.
I first heard of Christian Science nine years ago in California, where doctors had sent me for my health. I had been told that I could never live anywhere else, and on no account was I to try living in England. I became worse in California, and was led to Christian Science through hearing of many wonderful healings that were taking place around me. I became deeply interested in it, and soon gave up all material remedies. I overcame the belief that food could upset me, although I had been ordered to keep to a very strict diet. I was able in a short time to eat anything I desired, and have done so ever since. This statement by Mrs. Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 222) regarding a man who had been healed of dyspepsia was helpful: "Food had less power to help or to hurt him after he had availed himself of the fact that Mind governs man, and he also had less faith in the so-called pleasures and pains of matter."
Although knowing comparatively little of Christian Science, I was wonderfully protected in many ways. In driving a car I found most helpful the statement by Mrs. Eddy (ibid., p. 424), "Accidents are unknown to God, or immortal Mind, and we must leave the mortal basis of belief and unite with the one Mind, in order to change the notion of chance to the proper sense of God's unerring direction and thus bring out harmony." While camping I was able to overcome, to a great extent, fear of rattlesnakes and bears, and also of insects. I have been protected while traveling by sea in bad storms, and have overcome seasickness.
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January 3, 1942 issue
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A Dedicatory Poem
By Mary Baker Eddy
The New Year
On Which Side?
The Voice Within
Truth Made Practical
Man's Inalienable Rights
"According to the rules"
To Our Readers
Board of Trustees The Christian Science Publishing Society
George Shaw Cook
"Immortality's goal"
Evelyn F. Heywood
The Lectures
with contributions from Florence Moore, Clara Hays, Franklin Edward Tyrrell, Asa Roy Thompson
In the criticism of Christian Science...
Robert E. Key
In your recent issue it is pointed...
Sherwood Kretsinger
In an article in a recent issue of...
Ernst G. Breitholtz
For many years I have desired...
Violet Odell
As Truth unfolds to my consciousness,...
Callie Elliott Stump
"The prayer that reforms the...
Addison Culver
The first healing through Christian Science...
Sarah F. Baldwin with contributions from Dorothea Dee Wellman
Having had numerous healings...
Arletta Simonton Moore
I took up the study of Christian Science...
Mary F. Bedford
Christian Science came into our...
Cora Fern Sandahl
I wish to express my gratitude...
Alice N. Converse with contributions from Robert Converse
"Depart from evil, and do good"
Signs of the Times
with contributions from James Reid, Tom Franks, W. J. Wiley, Alfred McRobert, W. H. Hedges