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The advancement of mankind toward better conditions has often been delayed by unwillingness to adopt that which would mean progress along right lines. The tendency of the human mind to resist improvement is illustrated by the fact that about one hundred years ago a public school board in the state of Ohio declined the use of a school building for a meeting called to discuss the building of a railroad across the state, on the ground that it was absurd to consider the possibility of a train moving at the rate of fifteen miles per hour! Today trains are traversing the state at a rate of speed four or five times that regarded by the school trustees in question as absurd.
At one time it was believed that a heavier than air machine could not remain aloft for a sufficient time to make navigation of the air practical. Now, airplanes remain at high altitudes for long periods and proceed at rates of speed which previously would have been considered incredible. This has been made possible because human ingenuity and invention have broken down resistance to progress. On page 195 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mary Baker Eddy says, "Observation, invention, study, and original thought are expansive and should promote the growth of mortal mind out of itself, out of all that is mortal."
It is possible that the proposal to publish the Christian Science Sentinel in the form in which it appears in this issue may meet resistance in the thought of some who have felt the old form was good enough, and should be retained. It is gratifying, however, to note that many Christian Scientists in the Field have expressed themselves as being pleased with the contemplated change. They feel that the change is in the line of progress, and so it would appear to be.
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January 3, 1942 issue
View Issue-
A Dedicatory Poem
By Mary Baker Eddy
The New Year
On Which Side?
The Voice Within
Truth Made Practical
Man's Inalienable Rights
"According to the rules"
To Our Readers
Board of Trustees The Christian Science Publishing Society
George Shaw Cook
"Immortality's goal"
Evelyn F. Heywood
The Lectures
with contributions from Florence Moore, Clara Hays, Franklin Edward Tyrrell, Asa Roy Thompson
In the criticism of Christian Science...
Robert E. Key
In your recent issue it is pointed...
Sherwood Kretsinger
In an article in a recent issue of...
Ernst G. Breitholtz
For many years I have desired...
Violet Odell
As Truth unfolds to my consciousness,...
Callie Elliott Stump
"The prayer that reforms the...
Addison Culver
The first healing through Christian Science...
Sarah F. Baldwin with contributions from Dorothea Dee Wellman
Having had numerous healings...
Arletta Simonton Moore
I took up the study of Christian Science...
Mary F. Bedford
Christian Science came into our...
Cora Fern Sandahl
I wish to express my gratitude...
Alice N. Converse with contributions from Robert Converse
"Depart from evil, and do good"
Signs of the Times
with contributions from James Reid, Tom Franks, W. J. Wiley, Alfred McRobert, W. H. Hedges