Christian Scientists,
who are earnest seekers after Truth, long for the attainment of the exalted spiritual condition which came to the disciples on that Pentecostal day when "they were all with one accord in one place.
the tenth chapter of the gospel of Mark, the story of the healing of blind Bartimæus stands as vividly etched as a picture hanging against a wall, surrounded and shut in by its own frame and setting.
Webster's dictionary we find this definition of the word "tolerance": "A disposition to tolerate opinions, beliefs, practices, or conduct differing from one's own; freedom from bigotry.
Judge Clifford P. Smith, Committee on Publication for The Mother Church, Boston, Massachusetts,
The members and officers of the church founded by Mary Baker Eddy, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, and its branches, have no desire for controversy with anybody, and we especially prefer to avoid controversy with the persons who were members of this church, but who have formed a different organization.
Ralph W. Still, Committee on Publication for the State of Texas,
Christian Scientists quite well understand and appreciate that disease appears to be very real and obdurate to the material, human sense of things; but as disease is recognized by them as error, and not as a part or factor of true being, and as every form of disease is being healed through this understanding, the correctness of their position is demonstrated.
During the past year there appeared in the secular press in our state only three adverse criticisms, two of which—extracts from sermons by evangelists—were reported.
with contributions from Donald Angus Davison, Almon C. Binkley, Emil Hansen, John L. Lawton, Mathilda N. Windell, Evelyn L. Webb, Alexandre Louis James Dewette
The attention of clerks and committees of branch churches in the United States and Canada, having in charge arrangements for lectures, is called to the necessity of having the information reach the Editorial Department at least four weeks before the date of the lecture, in order to insure publication in the Sentinel.
Martha Sutton-Thompson
with contributions from Nellie M. Gunderson
In early childhood I was placed in a Sunday school class the teacher of which constantly dwelt upon our errors as enormous sins, and declared that God's wrath would surely consign us to everlasting punishment unless we reformed—even unto perfection.
It is with sincere gratitude for all the blessings I have received in Christian Science, and with the thought of encouraging others, that I give my testimony.
I am deeply grateful to be able to testify to the healing power of divine Love, and wish to relate a healing that I experienced through the little understanding I have gained of Christian Science.
I was led to Christian Science about three years ago after I had doctored for about eighteen months for what two of our best physicians pronounced a nervous breakdown.
lift mine eyes above the sons of men,That they may fasten on the things of Thee;For I am weary of the strife of kingsWhich wars against Thy law unceasingly—Kings, but whose crowns are made of worldly dust,That crumble at Thy word and sink to naught:Pride and the lust of power and place, which reachAnd fret for what can ne'er be sold or bought.
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with contributions from Donald Angus Davison, Almon C. Binkley, Emil Hansen, John L. Lawton, Mathilda N. Windell, Evelyn L. Webb, Alexandre Louis James Dewette