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True Living
As there is only one Mind or consciousness, all that can be known of anything must proceed from this infinite source. Any suggestion of so-called mortal mind is merely the belief in a supposititious opposite of the one Mind, which knows only real ideas. Hence, in seeking the truth concerning any situation, real facts can only be gained through spiritual understanding. Anything learned from the human mind should not be credited, since its purpose is to counterfeit the true sense, thus robbing mankind of their right to know the truth. One of the ways this seems to operate is to pervert the meaning of words. Mrs. Eddy has made this very clear in the Glossary of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," where she gives the material definition of various words, followed by their metaphysical or scientific definition; and in studying these in the light of Christian Science a clearer sense of other terms is revealed.
Take, for instance, the word "living," which is so often used in connection with our daily experiences. One who has not been much in the world at large frequently hears the expression, "Oh, well, you have not lived," or, "When you really live you will see things differently," and the like. The meaning of the word conveyed in this use of it would apparently be that one must go through certain human experiences and perhaps suffer a great deal in order to gain wisdom or learn what it means to live. In other words, one is told that he who does not seek pleasure in matter or experience the pangs and disappointments of material existence has no knowledge of life, and is outside the pale of the initiated.
The true meaning of the word "live," however, throws an entirely different light on the subject. One dictionary definition is, "To be alive; to live a life rich in experience," but to bring out a still clearer sense by antithesis it is interesting to note the definition of death as given in Science and Health (p. 584): "Death. An illusion, the lie of life in matter; the unreal and untrue; the opposite of Life." Surely, then, the more we know of materiality the less we know of true living. It is plain that "to live a life rich in experience" is not simply to participate in the pleasures offered by material living, but to follow the example of Christ Jesus by expressing love and kindness at all times, whether at work or among the throngs of pleasure seekers. The blessings this brings are indeed rich, and we shall find our cup running over.
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September 10, 1921 issue
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The Universality of Truth
True Living
The Living Night
The Spoken and the Unspoken Word
"None of these things move me"
Hungering after Righteousness
Frederick Dixon
Gustavus S. Paine
A Prayer
As far back as I can remember I had a longing to...
Bernice Walker
Several years ago I was suffering from tuberculosis,...
Pearl Miller with contributions from Horace M. Bringhurst
I was healed through Christian Science of a goiter and...
Mary A. Keeler
Several years have passed since, through God's guidance,...
Elisabeth Thoel
For fourteen years I was unable to read ordinary print...
Clifford W. Hopkins
Signs of the Times
with contributions from George Bernard Shaw, William S. Bovard, Frank L. Cobb, Edward Earle Purinton
with contributions from Charles E. Jarvis