an individual expresses good in preference to evil, at that moment he is proving that man possesses his rightful inheritance and is showing how much of God he knows.
Samaritan woman in conversation with Christ Jesus at Jacob's well advocated the world-thought prevalent at that time; namely, that God must be worshiped at some special place; but Jesus explained, for the benefit of the whole world, for all time: "Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.
us, thou warrior of the cross,Who gloried still in pain and loss,And counting over all could say,While treading on the upward way,"None of these things move me;"
A man
cannot hate another man whom he really knows, for though he may pity the mortal weakness that he observes, he must comprehend that the suggestions to which the weak one has succumbed are only such as mortal mind would offer in diverse forms to all.
To me one of the most wonderful things in Christian Science is that, no matter where we are or what our problem may be, if our whole reliance and trust are in God, we cannot lack any good thing.
Several years have passed since, through God's guidance, the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, was placed in my hands and I wish to be counted among those who have gratefully testified to the blessings received through Christian Science.
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