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I was considered a very nervous child, being subject to...
I was considered a very nervous child, being subject to nightmares and fears too numerous to mention, and when I entered womanhood I became weakly. I took tonics but received little relief. At fourteen years of age I suffered a stroke of paralysis and at eighteen a second one. At the birth of my first child I got on very poorly and was unable to be on my feet for length of time. I was treated by a number of doctors but my condition became more critical. In the year 1914 I underwent two operations, and during the last one was under the influence of an anæsthetic for over four hours, and it was claimed that my system underwent a great shock. The head surgeon said I could never be a well woman, and I shall not try to tell what I suffered. A kidney trouble was manifested soon after the operation, which was diagnosed as Bright's disease. I spent many days in hospitals under treatment. In February, 1919, I was prostrated, and having lost much confidence in medical treatment refused to call a physician, although I used several kinds of medicine daily. A neighbor who is interested in Christian Science lent me a copy of Science and Health, which I read, and she also read to me. On the fourteenth of April I decided to give up all medicine and to rely on God alone and I arose and walked alone for the first time in more than two months. I took a bath, dressed myself, and was whole. In eight days I took charge of all my housework, and could have done so sooner only my family thought it better for me to rest. My healing has been permanent and Mind has since been my only medicine.
When fourteen I united with a denominational church. I read my Bible a great deal and often prayed God to heal me, and wondered why He desired me to be sick of an incurable disease when my life meant so much to my family. Through reading Science and Health I gained a truer conception of Deity. It is such a joy to know that God is Love and that He did not send my affliction. I have never had an opportunity to attend a Christian Science service, as I live on a ranch twenty miles from a railroad. I have Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and "Miscellaneous Writings" by Mrs. Eddy, and I take the Journal, Sentinel, and Quarterly, and hope to subscribe for the Monitor soon. I study the Lesson-Sermon every day and feel that I am growing in grace and in the knowledge of Truth. I hope this testimony may encourage others who are in need of Christian Science, as I was.
(Mrs.) Cora Lobb, Sedan, New Mexico.
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April 9, 1921 issue
View Issue-
The Prodigal's Brother
Following the Lamb
"Judge not"
Pay Day
A Plea for Tolerance
Fighting Evil
The Awakening
Trust in Principle
Frederick Dixon
The Law-Abiding Citizen
Gustavus S. Paine
A Prayer
It is with some measure of the compassion Jesus had for...
Edward A. Wilson
In the hope of helping others I wish to tell what Christian Science...
Christine Smith with contributions from Margaret Smith
For several years before I heard of Christian Science I...
Hugh A. Studdert Kennedy
Out of love and gratitude I wish to give my testimony for...
Trina Mettler-Abderhalden
Many years have passed since my first healing through...
Harriet H. Abbott
I should like to say how grateful I am for Christian Science...
Gertrude Biddle
Having so many times received help through reading the...
Nellie V. Probasco
I would like to express my gratitude for the many healings...
Sarah F. Blanchard
Signs of the Times
with contributions from John Kelman, George Eastman, Harding, Campbell-Ewald Co
with contributions from Charles E. Jarvis