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To all mankind without exception God's promises apply...
The Christian Science Monitor
To all mankind without exception God's promises apply equally. God is Love, and Love is universal. There are no special favorites in God's universe. There are no black sheep, no scapegoats, no wayward children therein. The blackness, the sin, the waywardness are false beliefs of the so-called carnal mind. Since these are enmity against God, they are excluded from God's spiritual universe, for nothing entereth into it "that defileth, ... or maketh a lie."
Christ Jesus demonstrated universal Love. A superficial view of the teachings and practice of the Master might lead one to believe that he discriminated against certain persons or classes of people, but a closer examination makes it plain that he was simply exposing the qualities of erring mortal thought which are of themselves shut out from the divine blessing. While he withheld his help and his healing power from those who were unready, and therefore unworthy, to receive it, Jesus made it quite clear that the help given by the Christ was and is for all, and can be enjoyed by each as soon as each is ready for it. Mrs. Eddy writes on page 13 of Science and Health: "Love is impartial and universal in its adaptation and bestowals. It is the open fount which cries, 'Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters.'"
A careful study of Jesus' words and works will show that in his actions he was illustrating in an exact, thorough, and scientific manner the truths which he had taught and was teaching. There was nothing haphazard nor casual in his method. Everything was done with a purpose, and it was designed to bring home the needed lesson in the best way possible. In his Sermon on the Mount he said: "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine." When one day a Canaanitish woman came to him imploring him to heal her daughter, he replied in a similar strain: "It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs." In other words, it is not fitting that the truth intended for the children of Israel should be given to outcasts. But she was ready for the blessing, as she proved by her reply: "Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table." She was willing to acknowledge humbly her status as a Canaanite, but she saw that this could not keep her from sharing the benefits to be derived from universal Love, and she received the blessing, her daughter being instantaneously healed.
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March 15, 1919 issue
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The Liberty to Be the Sons of God
Obstacles Overcome
The Christian Science Monitor
The Human Need
A Pressing Problem
The Lesson of the Sunset
A second letter of opposition to Christian Science recently...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
Commenting upon the editorial, "A Mad World," from...
Louis E. Scholl
In a letter published under the caption, "Christian Science and Miracles,"...
V. M. B. Stievenard
The Standard Uplifted
William P. McKenzie
In the Path of Righteousness
William D. McCrackan
Spiritual Discernment
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
Charles E. Jarvis
The Lectures
with contributions from Stanley M. Horsefield, C. Lilias Ramsay, Lillian Banks
Eleven years ago I was healed, through Christian Science...
Susan Stearns Bridgman with contributions from Daniel E. Bridgman
It is time publicly to express my gratitude for the blessings...
Lilian S. Ruddick
Four years ago I came to Christian Science for physical...
Amy E. Gnau with contributions from Harry Gnau
For about eight years I received help through Christian Science...
Siri Alzen Wales
On page 302 of "Miscellaneous Writings" Mrs. Eddy...
John D. King
It is about thirteen years since Christian Science first...
Nellie Gillenwater
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Ellery Sedgwick, G. W. Winfrey, Secretary