[Translated from the German]

I thank God for the many blessings which have come to...

I thank God for the many blessings which have come to me through Christian Science. For thirty-two years I suffered with rheumatism in the right hand as a result of a birth, and no physician was able to help me; neither could the physicians heal or relieve me of pain in the back. Finally I was led to Christian Science through Friends, and was healed by having treatment from a practitioner. I asked her for a copy of the textbook, "Science and Health with key to the Scriptures," and through reading it gained a better understanding of these glorious teachings and of the nature of divine Love. As things were explained, it became clear to me that if I held my thought steadfastly on the true and enduring ideas which are an emanation of God and are expressed through man, I must needs experience health, happiness, love, and purity, and with the dawning of this understanding my life has changed for the better.

When errors present themselves or when tests come, I know that if I take my stand on God's side they must yield and I must come out victorious, for error has no power. I know God, Spirit, to be the Principle of being, and the law of Spirit makes me free from all evil. I am most deeply grateful to God, and lovingly remember Mrs. Eddy, who has shown us the road leading to true happiness and peace.—Frau Rosina Paulini, Salem, Ohio.

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Testimony of Healing
I am truly grateful for the many blessings which have...
September 8, 1917

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