As I was almost always sick, Christian Science had...

As I was almost always sick, Christian Science had been presented to me many times; but it was not until I witnessed the instantaneous healing of a friend who had been sent South as a last resort, that I determined to see what it would do for me. I had been depending upon will-power alone for my help, having no use for medicine, and when I went for my first treatment I was completely exhausted from trying to keep at my work while constantly enduring severe pain. Three years before this I had undergone an operation for appendicitis, and since that time the pain had never left my side ; while two years before my back had been injured in an accident, and medicine and other methods of relief had failed to help me. I also had rheumatism, hemorrhoids, and goiter, and wore glasses.

After a week's treatment in Christian Science, so much relief had been experienced that I began to realize that there was the same good here for me as others enjoyed. The pain in my side was overcome at once, and the use of glasses was given up. My rest was sweet at night and my days were harmonious, so I knew that Christian Science was true. For a year I studied a little each day and had a practitioner's help whenever I was ill. Then came my real trial. I was sick for a long time, and it was not until many wrong thoughts were replaced by loving ones that I was healed and learned to "look away from the body into Truth and Love" (Science and Health, p. 261). It was a real healing, for I received the understanding which is now a daily protection. The ills that come van ish quickly when the searchlight of Truth is turned on them.

My marriage nearly two years ago brought me much happiness, and my husband studies this beautiful truth with me. Our supply comes through God's law of good for all, and it is indeed a blessing to know this. I am grateful that my entire family are now studying Science. My prayer is that each day I may do some good, and thus give the best expression of my thankfulness to God and my gratitude to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who has shown us how to understand the Christ which heals and purifies.—Aileen Rogers, Dallas, Texas.

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September 8, 1917

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