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[Translated from the German]
A few years ago, after the birth of a child, I became sick...
A few years ago, after the birth of a child, I became sick in mind and body, and to my great sorrow I was obliged to leave the baby and seek help in other surroundings. As I did not seem to be gaining, despite the treatment of a specialist, and was unable to sleep, besides experiencing great pain internally whenever I attempted to take nourishment, I applied for help to my dear sister in London, who came at once and explained Christian Science to me. I took heart as I began to understand that God is Love and sendeth no disease, and that my wrong conceptions about God, and man in His image and likeness, needed to be corrected. I had believed I must die, as had another dear sister shortly before, but now I learned that there was no such thing as an hereditary disease, that it was only a man-made law, and that the law of divine Love alone governs all. Thus I daily gained in physical health and strength, sleep returned, and I was able to eat without suffering.
I thank God for having preserved me to my family, that I may point out to them as well as to many others the way from sense to Soul. Mrs. Eddy says, "Love is the liberator" (Science and Health, p. 225). I am deeply grateful to her, as well as to all who have helped me in gaining the spiritual understanding of the law of Love which sets us free.
Sophie Eberbach, Heiibronn a. N., Germany.
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September 19, 1914 issue
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Effective Testimony
God's Perfect Will
The Divine Sending
"The finger of God"
Eternal Justice
In a recent issue, under the heading of "The Healing of...
Frederick Dixon
The report in the Star of a sermon delivered at Bethany Park,...
Clifford P. Smith
When the critic of Canon McClure's recent book set out to...
M. I. Whitcroft
My attention has been drawn to a paragraph in a recent...
Algernon Hervey Bathurst
Mr.—believes, evidently on the authority of one...
John W. Doorly
My Shepherd
And Again Legislation
Archibald McLellan
The Blight of Bias
John B. Willis
Annie M. Knott
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Mr. Emmons, John H. Schaefer, John D. Works, Etta M. Ousley, S. W. Frierson
About seven years ago I was ill with a very puzzling liver...
Erminie J. King with contributions from Florence J. King
A few years ago, after the birth of a child, I became sick...
Sophie Eberbach
Revenge and the desire to take another's life for a seeming...
William D. Stineman
The all-power of God as taught in Christian Science came...
Caroline W. Moeser
I owe Christian Science endless gratitude, greater than any...
Winifred I. Kent with contributions from Herbert Kent
One Saturday in August, 1912, I was stricken with a...
Edwin W. Schurz
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from J. M. Lloyd Thomas