A decision that is expected to have a farreaching effect in determining land titles in cases in which compaines and private parties have made improvements without obtaining proper authority from the secretary of the interior, was handed down by the United States circuit court of appeals at St.
ladies calling at the home of a friend were told that the baby, who was perhaps two years of age, had never learned to walk, because whenever she was placed upon her feet she screamed with pain.
learn in metaphysics that life abides in consciousness; that the character of any one's life is determined by his thinking, hence right thinking means a right life.
In the editorial relative to Christian Science there is sounded a note of impatience because of the uncompromising stand which Christian Science takes in accepting as its basis, without reservation, the Biblical teaching that God is Spirit and the natural corollary that man and the universe created by Him are in reality spiritual.
the letters received at this office from time to time are to be taken as indicative of the thought of the field at large, there is considerable perplexity among Christian Scientists as to what their attitude should be toward what is termed Christian Science literature, but not "authorized," as are our Leader's writings and the periodicals issued under the auspices of The Christian Science Publishing Society.
The Thanksgiving season, with its high tones of gratitude for blessings divinely bestowed, is over, and we begin to ask ourselves what are its abiding lessons for us.
A prominent
writer has recently made the rather startling declaration that "we live in a mannerless age," that the thought and bearing of the people at large is characterized by a pitifully discreditable degree of irreverence, incivility, and immodesty.
with contributions from David A. Frayser, Louis R. Muller, Carl Barnard, George H. Hutton, Harry E. Swan, Harry E. Townsend, H. H. Smith, C. N. Churchill
Perhaps my experience in becoming a convert to the teachings of Christian Science has not been widely different from that of other; and while none should fail to credit Christian Science with calling them from a life wherein they were not fulfilling their noblest purposes, the tendency to look backward seldom proves profitable, and too often causes one to stumble, as one usually travels in the direction in which he looks.
About three and a half years ago I became interested in Christian Science through the help received from a practitioner, both through letters and conversation.
It is with a grateful heart that I think of the wonderful help which Christian Science has been to me, and I feel it a duty to tell others about some of the many blessings received through its teachings.
Six months ago one of my fingers became sore, and finding myself greatly troubled, I went to a clinic, where the ailment became aggravated despite medical treatment.
Some seven years ago, disgusted with the life I was living, and just about at the point where our home was likely to be broken up as the result of my habits, I turned to my wife, upon her final appeal to me to quit drinking, and like a drowning man grasping at a straw, told her I was ready to do anything she advised.
For over nine years my every need has been met through a practical knowledge of God's presence and power as explained in the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
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with contributions from David A. Frayser, Louis R. Muller, Carl Barnard, George H. Hutton, Harry E. Swan, Harry E. Townsend, H. H. Smith, C. N. Churchill