In a recent communication in your paper a writer presents...

Portland (Ore.) Journal

In a recent communication in your paper a writer presents his views upon the inability of Christian churches to hold the people's interest. Dividing the churches into two classes, he explains why both are in default. The writer classes the Christian Science church by itself and declares that its teachings as to the unreality of matter place its doctrines beyond the practical. On the contrary, Christian Science goes to the root of human misery and gives a demonstrable solution for every problem that is opposed to health and happiness. It declares that the belief of mortals in material life and substance and the consequent limitations is responsible for the fear, the strife, and hardships of the human race. But it lifts humanity out of these conditions by giving a better view-point of existence, in which Spirit is recognized to be the only creator, in accord with Scriptural teaching. It is logically evident that Spirit cannot create its opposite, matter. In turning from matter to Spirit, Christian Science begins to loosen the fear of mortals and to establish a greater degree of hope and security by the presentation and demonstration of the fact that man (not a mortal) is the spiritual image and likeness of God. This understanding brings dominion over former beliefs and pleasure and pain attendant upon matter. The fact that through the application of Christian Science lives have been regenerated and health restored, thus bringing a greater degree of usefulness and satisfaction into every-day experiences, proves the practical effects of the pure truths of Christian Science.

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