In the report of the interstate commerce commission, just made public, the charge is advanced and arguments are set forth to show that under the ruling of the commerce court in the so-called "inter-Rocky mountain cases" the intent of Congress in extending the powers of the commission has been thrown to the ground, and it is intimated in no uncertain terms that efficient regulation of railroad rates and the power to prevent discriminations is at stake.
highest philosophic thought has for many centuries grasped the sense that there is and must be an invisible reality opposed to the phenomenal and transient view of things.
some branch churches the business of the church, which is surely a part of the "Father's business," is not given the thought by some of the members to which it is entitled.
A Small
dog was playing in the street one morning when suddenly a pair of horses drew up, two men jumped down from a caged wagon, and throwing a netlike bag over the little fellow, roughly tumbled him into the wagon, where there were many others of his kind.
Christian Science
emphasizes and elucidates the fact that beauty, truth, and goodness are not attributes of matter, but they are spiritual ideas, and that as such they can be identified only with the reflection of Spirit.
among Christian Scientists has not suffered as a result of the concept of friendship entertained before the corrective influence of Christian Science entered his life—the poignancy of his disappointments being usually commensurate with the warmth of his attachments or the idolatrous element entering into his thought of those he loved.
The question of the application of the law prohibiting the practice of medicine without a license to Christian Scientists must be settled by the courts.
The treatment of Miss Reichenbecher by the police as a common felon and a member of the criminal class, is one that every citizen should protest against.
majority of our readers have doubtless noted, through the despatches to the press, that President Taft has so modified the wording of executive order of Oct.
New Year's day draws nigh, the traditional time for "making another start" in all good endeavor, not a few of us will be visited by the remembrances of many a good plan and undertaking earnestly entered upon in the past which has seemingly come to naught, and though we may be ready and glad to reenlist for the cause of this and that winsome ideal, we are likely to do so with more misgiving and less joy than becomes a time of good decision, and for the reason that past defeats are permitted to augur the repetition of such experience, the unhappy outcome of former undertakings are allowed to count as lessening the likelihood of overcoming in the tomorrow-trials of our faith and strength.
thinking upon the songs heard by the shepherds on the night of the nativity, these words of our Leader were recalled: "Divine Science reveals sound as communicated through the senses of Soul—through spiritual understanding".
with contributions from J. L. van der Merwe, W. P. Grimmer, Allen Hollis, George S. Powell, Robert S. Bean, Howard C. Van Meter, William H. Dodd, William H. Howard, G. Leonard McNeil
Dagny Lundberg
with contributions from Jane Silliss
It is ever an occasion for profound gratitude that we can testify to the fact that Christian Science has been at one time or another a help and joy to us; and the deeper we penetrate into its teaching, the more sincerely we try to apply what we have learned, the more numerous become the proofs that its promises do not fail.
It is over three years since Christian Science was first recommended to me as a healing agent, and it was only for healing that I at first turned to it.
As far as I can think back I was afflicted with a stomach trouble, and this ailment had been deeply impressed upon me, for I can remember that whenever I was ailing my mother would say I had inherited the weak stomach from my father.
I have long had a desire to express my gratitude to God, good, for the wonderful blessings that have come to me and mine through the study of the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
I wish to express through the Sentinel my gratitude for Christian Science, for the periodicals, and for the Lesson-Sermons; also my appreciation of the loving work done for me when I needed help.
I Found
a path of bluebellsA-winding through my thought:The winter's frosty presenceIts russet robes had broughtTo fold the trembling grassesAnd mantle tree and hill;Yet there, amid the grayness,The sudden gusts and chill,Amid the lonely graynessWhere borean banners waved,I found a path of summerWith blue of summer paved.
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with contributions from J. L. van der Merwe, W. P. Grimmer, Allen Hollis, George S. Powell, Robert S. Bean, Howard C. Van Meter, William H. Dodd, William H. Howard, G. Leonard McNeil