An official call has been issued for a meeting of the National Drainage Association, to be held at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, the last week of November. It is thought that successful legislation can be obtained during the next Congress by the passage of the general drainage measure favorably reported from the Senate Committee on Public Lands. Scattered through thirty-seven States are approximately eighty million acres of swamp land. If these lands were drained and subdivided into forty-acre farms they would afford homes for two million farmers. The governors of all the States have been requested to appoint the same number of delegates as each State has votes in the National Electoral College, and mayors of cities of not less than twenty-five thousand population, two delegates; over twenty-five thousand, four delegates. Local drainage associations are allotted three delegates, and each agricultural college is asked to send two delegates by virtue of their offices and members of the United States Senate and House of Representaives are also invited.

The State Roads Automobile Association of Massachusetts, which was organized last June by prominent automobilists and whose object is to prevent the reckless and unlawful driving of motor vehicles and to punish those who persistently violate the law, is preparing for a vigorous campagin this fall against offenders. In a circular which it has recently issued, it is pointed out that in the three months ending Sept. 21 there were forty-one deaths and three hundred and thirteen injuries to persons caused by automobiles in Massachusetts. These figures. together with two hundred and eleven collisions in which automobiles were volved, the association believes, are sufficient to demonstrate the value of its efforts.

The inauguration of a regular transatlantic to demonstrate the value of its efforts.

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October 26, 1907

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