
CAN we ever be grateful enough for the blessings we have received in Christian Science? We think we are grateful when we thank God, but do we praise Him by loving our neighbor as ourselves, and by relinquishing error for truth? Are we grateful enough to our beloved Leader for her unceasing prayer and years of labor in our behalf? We think we are grateful when we speak of her in loving terms, but do we thank her by endeavoring to live up to her teachings to the best of our ability? We are transformed from helpless sufferers to strong and healthy men and women; yet, sad to relate, some of us take our reformation for granted. We can never hope to receive benefits unless we deserve then; we can never deserve them if we deny Christ. "Whosoever shall deny me before men, him I will also deny before my Father which is in heaven." Faith and works can move mountains, but either one alone is like the boat with but one oar. Think what we would be without this great truth—rudderless ships on the sea of error, dashing against the rocks of despair. Let us therefore show our gratitude in glorifying God by walking "in the paths of righteousness," as taught us in Christian Science.

It is by doing always and everywhere the best we know, that doing becomes the natural, easy, and pleasant habit, and character is formed. . . . in little duties is a wonderful source of cheerfulness. —Frederick W. Faber.

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A True Word
August 12, 1905

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