The May Class in the College

A letter in this article was later republished in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany: My. 254:4-8

Boston. Mass., May 5, 1905.

Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy,
Pleasant View, Concord, N. H.

Beloved Leader:—The May, 1905, primary class of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College—that institution which your wisdom has founded and fostered for our spiritual advancement, and now in session within the hallowed precincts of The Mother Church—sends you loving greetings. If, dear Leader, one word alone were to go to you from us to-day, it would be the word Gratitude,—gratitude to God, and to you, the messenger of Christian Science to humanity, for the sacred privilege of the instruction we are receiving at this time.

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May 13, 1905

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