I was led to investigate Christian Science over two years...

I was led to investigate Christian Science over two years ago, after many years of ill health. I had "suffered many things of many physicians," and can hardly recall a day in which I was free from pain. After trying our home doctors without getting any relief, I consulted some noted specialists in Columbus, O. An operation was suggested for relief, and at suggestion I prepared myself to go to the hospital. Calling upon an old friend who had been operated upon the previous year, and finding her in a helpless condition, I was so discouraged that I sent for my baggage, and returned home. A few months later, in the spring of 1902, I learned of Christian Science and was asked to investigate it. I led to the home of a practitioner, and began treatment that morning. During the first week's treatment one of my many troubles, constipation, was overcome. I shall never forget the joy which came to me. I felt that this was the living presence of Christ, God with us. My ailment being internal, I was indeed a great sufferer, and I seemed to have had all the troubles to which flesh is heir. I was healed during two months' treatment, and am indeed thankful for the help received. I was lovingly led, step by step, into this beautiful understanding. I am very happy, and grateful to God for all my benefits.

The physical help, however, has been trifling as compared to the spiritual uplift. Through the study of Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," I have learned how to overcome many physical troubles. I will mention some of those which have passed away,— rheumatism, neuralgia, catarrh, sore throat, and toothache. these are the proofs that this is a demonstrable Science, and proofs are always better than mere verbal arguments. I am thankful to God for the life of our dear Leader, who has toiled so faithfully, paving the way for generations yet unborn. I am very thankful to her for the precious treasure, Science and Health, which indeed is a Key to the Scriptures, and which has unlocked the door to higher understanding for me. Mrs. Maude K. Shawaker, Delaware, O.

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Testimony of Healing
It is with a very grateful heart that I acknowledge a few...
April 29, 1905

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