Divine Mind
or Life is the Principle of Christian Science healing and it is the only reformatory and saving element; if understood and practised, it is the scientific remedy for all evil; and this is logically and scientifically true, because Truth is the only remedy for error, Love is the only remedy for hatred, and Life the only remedy for sin and its consequent death.
The disciples and apostles were for the most part men of little education, as the world esteems education, although from the standpoint of Christianity they were more highly educated than any men of their time, because they were instructed by the great Teacher himself, and were students of the Master metaphysician.
There has never been an argument or a law against Christian Science healing that could not have been applied with equal logic against the healing done by Peter and John and Paul.
To those who have only a theoretical rather than a practical knowledge of Christian Science and its efficacy, it is humanly natural that a dependence upon it and the exclusion of medicine should seem a neglect rather than a help; but the Christian Scientist who has had experience, first with medicine and lastly with this Science, has proved convincingly to himself that in his dependence upon God he has chosen the better part.
All that we know of any material thing, whether a human body or a rock or a tree, is its attributed qualities; that is to say, what we suppose it to be in accordance with the qualities which we attribute to it.
The value of Christianity lies in its bringing the message of truth, and telling the things that are,—and beyond this, in its having the power to conform us to things as they are, and bring us to our true home in God.
of the work on the Sentinel and the other official publications of our denomination has been done with a view of making them available and effective agencies in overcoming the many misunderstandings and prejudices engendered by ignorant and malicious criticism of Christian Science and of our Leader, and we are greatly encouraged to believe that much has been accomplished in this direction.
Two very prominent ministers in this country, representatives of the same church, but of the most conflicting philosophies, have recently taken occasion to make public reference to Christian Science in language that seems very surprising.
are assured that the change of date of the communion service and annual meeting will not interfere with arrangements now being made with the railroads for reduced rates, and that the same liberal terms will be granted for the new date, June 28 to July 1, as were promised for June 14-17.
Clerk of the Mother Church informs us that in many instances the following notice, which appeared regularly in the Sentinel during February, March, and April, has failed to receive attention at the hands of those whose duty it is to forward such reports.
and deeper meanings of the words and works of Jesus, as given in the four Gospels, are constantly being unfolded as is the opening flower on my study table.
with contributions from Max Jagerhuber, Emelia Mueller, Baroness Olga von Beschwitz, Frances Thurber Seal, Epictetus
editor has received many letters of thankfulness and rejoicing for the appearing of our German publication, and he gives the Field opportunity to read some of them.
In a recent number of the Sentinel, in one of the editorials, we are told to "declare the exact opposite of what the deceitful material senses testify.
I was first attracted to Christian Science about two years ago by the spirit of brotherly love which I saw manifested in the church, and after attending several meetings through idle curiosity, I found my curiosity developing into interest, and finally a desire to know more of divine Love which I heard talked on every side.
with contributions from Horace Bushnell, H. V. Hilprecht, Channing, C. A. Barbour, Longfellow
To-day the power of a Church in any community will be closely proportioned to its manifestation of brotherhood within the circle of its own membership.
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