nineteen hundred years the world has known of a plan for the uplifting of mankind so comprehensive, and yet so profoundly simple, that it has literally stood like a rock amidst the seething maelstrom of mortal opinions.
I was returning from the center of the city to-day, my thought drifted to the evidences I saw everywhere of the labor troubles, and it recalled to my mind a conversation I had several weeks ago, while on return trip from California.
lingering belief in two realities, one power called God, and another power called evil, must finally give way to the scientific conviction of the oneness of reality, the oneness of power, as brought to consciousness through the demonstration of Christian Science.
popular belief about Christian Science is, to a large extent at least, that it is simply a cure for physical ills, a universal panacea for sickness, and therefore not rightfully called scientific Christianity.
a current issue of a religious contemporary is an article entitled, "The Cheerfulness of Death," which is made prominent by the endorsement given it in the editorial columns.
us lift up our hearts with a joy untoldFor this truth that has come to the lives of men,A standard that Love has for us unrolledAnd raised at the break of the day, again.
In my early youth I had a good religious training, but as I became old enough to think and reason for myself I gradually dropped what I had been taught, until I had no religious belief left.
A little over two years ago one of my daughters suffered from an injury of the spine which gave her severe pain, so that she was unable to stand upright, and this continued for several months.
As one who has been greatly helped by Christian Science treatment, I contribute this testimony in the hope that it may be of some use to others, so that they may be lifted out of their miseries, as I was lifted out of mine.
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