What the Study of Science and Health will Accomplish

It has been more than four years since I was healed of a sickness of nearly seven weeks duration by Christian Science. The trouble was brought on by overwork, and resulted in a state of great weakness and discouragement. After nearly seven weeks of doctoring by a physician, a dear Scientist lifted me into health and harmony with one week's Christian Science treatment.

I have not had the privilege of class instruction, but have been a systematic student of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," which has enabled me to make a number of demonstrations, of two of which I will speak.

After wearing glasses for two years for astigmatism, I took them off without any inconvenience. Several years before I came into Christian Science, my children had the measles and whooping cough. My eldest daughter's eyes were affected, and she was taken to a prominent oculist in Chicago, who required her to be kept out of school for a whole year, and to wear glasses. He also said she would have to use glasses during the whole of her school life (she was nine years old at that time) and possibly as long as she lived. Through my understanding of Christian Science I was enabled to destroy the seeming necessity for glasses, as well as the opposition of mortal mind to their being removed. At this time (July, 1900) it has been more than two years since she discarded them. I thank God for Christian Science, and I wish to show my love to Mrs. Eddy, by being faithful in living the Truth as she has revealed it in Science and Health.

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Religious Items
January 24, 1901

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