Defends Christian Science

Daily Standard Union

To the Editor of the Standard Union.

Dear Sir:—On the assumption that the Rev. E. P. Marvin was correctly quoted in your issue of the sixth of November, as having spoken against Christian Science, I beg your permission to correct the false impression which may be given to your readers by the statements credited to this gentleman. Mr. Marvin finds fault with Christian Scientists because they have "not a solitary foundation in physical science." Christian Scientists stand on a surer basis than man-made philosophies or humanly evolved sciences. The first chapter of Genesis, wherein it is recorded that God, who is divine Mind, Spirit, created all that was made, is the foundation upon which Christian Science rests. In this account of creation there is no hint about a physical origin of the universe.

The Science of Mind is the understanding of God as Spirit, of His universe and man, and man's relation to his Creator. If an understanding of the causation of all things be not Science, and if a faithful adherence to Christ's commands be not Christian, than, indeed, Christian Science is a misnomer; but such is not the case. The Rev. Marvin concedes that many Christian Scientists are "moral, intelligent men and women." He should give credit where credit is due, and an investigation would show that the morality and intelligence which he notices are due to a closer communion with God, and a better understanding of man's spiritual reality, as given by Christian Science.

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Doctrine of Christian Science
January 24, 1901

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