honor of the five hundredth anniversary of the birth of John Gutenberg, or Johann Gensfleisch of Gutenberg, the inventor of typography, a celebration was begun on June.
Originally too limited in operation and too short in duration, the Truce of God must again be proclaimed for all places, and all times — proclaimed to all mankind and all nations.
To the Editor :— Recent expressions in your columns adverse to Christian Science lead me to ask the privilege of making a statement or two regarding the subject, in the hope of correcting some of the erroneous impressions that exist regarding its teaching and practice, as it is believed it is these false conceptions of what Christian Science is supposed to be, and not what it is, that calls forth criticism.
How strange it is that we sometimes think we cannot love our neighbor! How true it is, and how forceful the thought, that our love of God is always proportionate to our love of our fellow-man! If we love not them whom we have seen, how can we love Him whom we have not seen?
I was
sitting in an east room, late one afternoon, studying the Sunday lesson, when suddenly the sun illumined my book with all the brightness of the morning rays.
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