A state election was held in North Carolina August 2, at which a constitutional amendment intended to disfranchise the negroes, was adopted by about forty thousand majority.
scholars in Europe are much excited over a document entitled "The Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ," the recent discovery of which was first made public at the Congress of Archæologists, held at Rome.
Great interest is manifested in the free exhibition of a collection of Bibles and sacred literature at the Bible room of the Congregational House in Boston, Mass.
the above heading appears an editorial in the Boston Herald of August I, which is of interest as it recognizes at least one of the phases—although a comparatively unimportant one—of Christian Science teaching and practice.
Persons who have become members of the Mother Church during the last two years, whose names appear in the Church Manual, and who have not received a notice of admission, are requested to notify the Clerk, William B.
The Christian Scientists of Memphis purchased a lot yesterday on the northeast corner of Linden and Hernando Streets, upon which is to be erected a handsome stone church.
the lands lately acquired by the United States is a small island situated in the Pacific Ocean, about seven days out from Honolulu, which is the largest and most populous of the group known as the Samoan or Navigators' Islands, and is called Tutuila.
The tidy house-wife prides herself on keeping a very clean house, but when spring comes she takes up the carpets and has them carried out and beaten, which reveals a lot of dust and dirt, and perhaps moths, and so on through the furniture and draperies she uncovers the accumulated dirt.
After reading the article in the Sentinel entitled "A few Suggestions," I feel ashamed of myself for never having contributed to the Journal or Sentinel my share of acknowledged blessings.
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